Our beginnings as a Visual Arts & Design studio led us to the more versatile world of the Internet as a medium to reach and communicate with an audience. We deeply believe in the power of creative and visual design as well as targeted message delivery. We take our clients through a proprietary creative process that results in smart, goal-oriented communications. We create ads that move people to action, websites that tell a story and print that stands out from the fray.
Building a website is more than just tossing a few images and text together. In order to connect and engage with your customers your website needs to be well thought out with visual imagery and content categorization that will curate a positive response – and get them to latch onto your ideas or purchase your products and services.
Combining our design aesthetic with our knowledge of data integration we can create a website that will do just that.
On the Mobile World Congress in 2010, Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google put forward that designers should follow the “mobile first” rule in product design. This has only gotten more important over the last 10 years with the ubiquity and proliferation of mobile devices. In October 2020 StatCounter reported that the share of Desktop users to Mobile users in North America were statistical even (48.88% vs. 48.62%). (See chart)
The bottom line is that if your website is not mobile-friendly not only will Google knock you down in the serach results, but those customers that reach your site on a mobile device will be gone without a second glance.
We don’t like to build websites that require a lot of maintenance, we like building websites that empower you to be able to make your own changes to content and products. We can build your website in such a way that will allow you to log into a password protected CMS (Content Management System) and let you make your own changes, whenever and wherever you want. Ask for a demo and we will be happy to show you how it can work.
What was old is new again. Remember mainframes? Well, we do but only from our study of the history of computing. But it seems as if the adage is true with "Cloud Computing". Even if you are not sure what the Cloud is we can halp you ease into it. Whether you need a stand alone application that helps your webservices, supports an iOS or Android app, or maybe your own virtual server, we will be able to set up and assist you in it's management.
Gone are the days of "build it and they will come". Today you need to make sure that your website ranks high in the search engine results or your potential customers will not be able to find you. It may sound like voodoo, but there really are short- and long-term steps that you can take to make sure you are on page #1 for your best long-tail keywords. Not sure where you stand? Send us your top ten keyword phrases and we will run a complementary analysis for you, with no strings attached.
Knowing who is using your website can sometimes be more helpful that knowing who isn’t. With statistical analytical tools like Google Analytics we can determine if your website is getting the right kind of attention that it needs.
Facebook, Pinterest, Yelp – bah, that‘s for kids. Think again. The largest growing demographic on Facebook is people over 50 according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. These are people that are connecting friends from the past, but in many ways they are connecting with, and helping promote, products and services they "like".
Not sure where to begin? That’s OK, we can help you determine the best social media platform for your customers and help you connect with them. Usually for less than 30 minutes a week (if you don’t get distracted!).
The "dot com" is still king, but there are also many other top-level domains that are also getting attention, including the now popular .info and .me domains. Interested in getting a new domain for that crazy idea you had? Just ask us to check it out for you.